Becky Higgins Photo Books from the Project Life App
In an effort to catch up on my HUGE back-log of photos from 2015 and 2016, I’ve been doing a little more digital scrapbooking. Honestly, I never really liked Digital Scrapbooking until Becky Higgins came out with her Project Life App. When the App first came out, I created a few layouts and then sort of forgot about it for awhile. When my friend, Shelly, wanted to quickly finish an album of her first granddaughter (before her second granddaughter arrived), I immediately thought of the Project Life App. Shelly was already a Digital Scrapbooker but felt a little overwhelmed with the system she was using. Remembering how the Project Life App was so easy-to-use, I suggested it to her. Shelly really liked that she could work on layouts directly from her iPhone or iPad; she could finish several layouts while on a lunch break or sitting with her husband in the evening, watching TV. Needless to say, she fell in love with the Project Life App.
Recently, while I was wracking my brain to try and come up with a meaningful homemade Christmas gift for my mother-in-law, I remembered the Project Life App on my phone. Bingo!
It was December when I created the layouts for my mother-in-law’s Christmas gift; at that time Becky Higgins was still working on printing albums directly from her Project Life App. I had to come up with a way to print an album once I had created the pages in the App. I found Shutterfly, it was a simple solution. I saved the layouts on the App and created an album using blank pages on Shutterfly. All of this was completed from my iPhone! Because of the Project Life pages, the Shutterfly album turned out really nice and my mother-in-law truly loved her gift.
Christmas came and went and Becky Higgins launched her Photo Books. Now I could order a photo book right from the Project Life App. Seriously? Heck YES! This is what I was waiting for; an even easier way to print a digital album.
When I created the Christmas gift for my mother-in-law, I had already created Project Life pages from our Bryant Family trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico (during Thanksgiving in 2015), and the following Christmas. I had quite a few more pictures from other family activities, (i.e. baking cookies, sledding, hiking, etc.). I just tweaked some of my original pages, and created a few new ones, then I was ready to print.
Eager to see how easy a photo book would be to order directly through the Project Life App, I got to work as soon the addition launched.
Seriously people, it was so easy! I ordered the book and was VERY IMPRESSED with the quality. This is definitely the answer I’ve been looking for to catch up on the last few years worth of photos.
I wish you could reach through the screen and feel the quality of this photo book. It’s incredible!
The binding is so well done, the book lays flat, and the printed page quality is out-of-this-world! It was a bit more expensive to order a photo book through the Project Life App than it was through Shutterfly, but the quality of the Becky Higgins Photo Book was SO MUCH BETTER! We’re talking like 95% better.
Let’s talk about the photos:
Goodness they’re great! The color is gorgeous!
I mean, this is a PICTURE of a PICTURE in the book and it’s gorgeous, right?
And the paper used for the pages is really high quality, very impressed.
And look at that binding! Just beautiful.
From start to finish, it took me about two weeks of stolen moments (like waiting for dinner to come out of the oven) to finish an entire album! I am so impressed with the Becky Higgins Photo Books. They’re worth every penny!
Use of the Project Life App is definitely still happening. I keep a daily journal and the Project Life App has become a way for me to do my journaling more creatively. No more idle time playing Papa Pear or Candy Crush, It’s all Project Life now.
Disclaimer: I have not quit traditional scrapbooking. There is nothing like the smell of new paper and the feel of embellishments. They inspire an amazing amount of creativity in me — I’m still all about pretty paper and little details, don’t you worry.