
Big Springs, Idaho

OK, first of all, let me just say:

I’m an idiot.

No. Really. I am.

Remember my last post when I said that my friend, Laura and I have been friends for almost 20 years? Well, we haven’t. We’ve been friends for almost THIRTY years! Yes, 30. Not 20. Although sometimes I wish that I am still in my 20’s, I can actually say that I’m looking forward to my birthday this summer. 35 ain’t bad. I’ve earned 35 years, right? Two beautiful children (although I admit, I still want more from time to time), a wonderful husband, a good job, wonderful friends and family, and a scrapbooking hobby (which I happen to LOVE).

So, now that I have admitted my mista…er…typo. Haha.

Like I said before, I’m an idiot.

Moving on…

My family LOVES Big Springs! It never gets old. The fish there are big. REALLY big!

I have visited Big Springs year after year.  While growing up, my family always traveled to “The Cabin” (Crabtree family cabin) every Summer. The yearly Cabin visit is a tradition that has been passed on to my children, although, now that we live so close by, we get to visit more than once during the Summer. My kids mark the 5th generation to experience the magic of The Cabin.

If you have a couple minutes, check out this fantastic video my uncle, Michael created:

Island Park, ID – Cabin 2010 – Montage from The Crabtree’s on Vimeo.

Speaking of 35…

Michael turned 35 this year (before me, ha!).

Michael is just 4 months older than me, we grew up together…Michael is more like a brother than an uncle.

See below for the list of the supplies I used to create the Big Springs Layout. Yes, I hand-stitched the beads onto the cardstock. I’m already an idiot today, so you can call me crazy too! 🙂

Thank for stopping by today! I hope you have a wonderful day!

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