
Round And Round We Go…

Where we’ll stop nobody knows…

Warning:  This is sort of a LONG POST

I’m back (to state the obvious) from my trip to Salt Lake/Provo. I have so much to share.

First of all…


Let’s back up slightly.

Before I left town, my cute little friend, Courtney came over to get some help on a layout.

This is Courtney:

Told you she’s cute!

Courtney really likes the new Graphic 45 “A Proper Gentleman” paper, so that’s the paper we used for her layout.

Here’s a peek at her finished project:

The cute men in the overalls are Courtney’s husband, Travis and his Grandfather Orville.

Here’s one of the little details that I helped her with:

Courtney is such a talented little thing.  She offered to help me sew a purse (I’m not that great a sewing).  If you want to see some of Courtney’s many, many creations – here’s a link to Courtney’s Blog.


Now, back to my Utah trip.

During the drive there, I took a few photos from the car window:

I’ve always wanted to take photos while driving in the car. This time I actually had my camera handy.

Before you get the wrong idea, I wasn’t actually behind the wheel while taking the above photos. Silly you for thinking that.  I was in the passenger seat while my mom was driving about 80 miles per hour (while many, many people passed us going goodness knows how fast).

Eh hem. Anyhoo…

Saturday I spent 9 hours in a line in front of this building:

But that’s another story for another time.

On Saturday night my Grandparents took my mom and I to see Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” at BYU in Provo. I really enjoyed it!  Oh boy those kids can act!

My Mom and I spent all day Sunday with my Grandparents.  It was so fun to be able to spend some quality time visiting with them. I always feel like I learn so much from Grandma and Grandpa every time we’re together.

…And it’s just an “added plus” that my Grandmother is a fabulous cook!

My Mom and I did sneak out for a minute on Sunday to take some photos of her old stomping grounds (from College days).  I think Mom had fun:

She looks pretty happy, right?

On our way home to Idaho, Mom and I made a couple stops before I had to get back to work (thanks for letting me be a little late for work Dad).

We found A fabulous Boutique and Bistro with treasures galore called, My Dear Lizzie in Highland, Utah. I’ll share some of my finds later but for now, you should definitely click on THIS LINK.

We also stopped HERE, which is a blast and a half – a “must visit” if you’re ever in Clearfield, Utah!


I’m home now and all is well and crazy-busy as usual.

A couple of shameless plugs:

THIS project of mine is now for sale at Scrappy Gourmet:

I’m also finished creating the Graphic 45 “Beach” Layout Class that I’ll be teaching at Paradise Scrapbook Boutique in California next month.  Can’t wait!  Can’t wait! I’ll share a peek or two of the project after I snap some photos tomorrow.

I seriously can’t wait.  PSB is my favorite place on earth!

So, now that you have tons of little links to check out…go, run wild (click wild?) and be free!

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