
Graphic 45 Chandelier

OK.  First of all, I found this project at 504 Main.  The paper chandelier was not my idea…but oh, how I wish I could claim it.

Basically, I took the idea and made it my own.

This paper chandelier was really hard to photograph.  I tried to pick up on all the sparkle from the beads, charms and glitter on the paper. It was not happening indoors.

So I went outside (thanks for hanging the chandelier in a tree sweet hubby).

And sparkle photos?

Not so much.

I might have to take individual photos of the hanging tags…

I may have to re-think this post.

No, I think I’ll just keep showing photos now.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the paper:

The paper chandelier seen above was actually my second attempt.  The first time I attached the paper to the wire, the folds were too large for my liking.

Then, I decided that I wanted to add cute scalloped edges on the paper and glitter, glitter, glitter!

I am much happier with the result the second time around (with a little a lot of help from my mom and sister).  My mom was a sport, taking the paper off the wire, cutting it down to the size I wanted and re-folding.  And then my sister helped by applying some glitter to the paper.

By the time I finished the tag charms and cutting more paper (I needed more because the folds were smaller), it was pretty late at night.  The project was not as simple as I imagined but I am so pleased with the result.

What do you think? Do you like it?

Should I take photos of the individual tags?

Just in case you were wondering…yes, that is snow on my neighbor’s roof (and on the ground).  It’s c-c-cold.

Thanks for stopping by!

xoxo, Christie

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